经验 | Hadoop 生态圈 python+mapreduce+wordcount

经验 | Hadoop 生态圈 python+mapreduce+wordcount

启动 hadoop 进程


hdfs dfs -put /home/hadoop/hadoop/input /user/hadoop/input

查看 hdfs 现在有哪些文件

[hadoop@master0 hadoop]$ hdfs dfs -ls /
    Found 1 items
    drwxr-xr-x   - hadoop supergroup          0 2019-12-04 02:17 /user

经验 | Hadoop 生态圈 python+mapreduce+wordcount


经验 | Hadoop 生态圈 python+mapreduce+wordcount


jar share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.6.0.jar
wordcount /user/hadoop/input/ /user/hadoop/output


[hadoop@master0 hdfs]$ hdfs dfs -cat /user/hadoop/output/*
    work,	63
    worker	315
    would	62
    write-operations.	62
    written	62

编写 mapreduce 编程,推送到 streaming 中进行运算

编写 mapreduce 函数

#!/usr/bin/env Python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Software: PyCharm
# @virtualenv:workon
# @contact: 1040691703@qq.com
# @Desc:Code descripton
__author__ = '未昔/AngelFate'
__date__ = '2019/12/4 20:20'
import sys

for line in sys.stdin:
    line = line.strip()
    words = line.split()
    for word in words:
#!/usr/bin/env Python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Software: PyCharm
# @virtualenv:workon
# @contact: 1040691703@qq.com
# @Desc:Code descripton
__author__ = '未昔/AngelFate'
__date__ = '2019/12/4 20:25'
import sys
current_word = None #记录前一个单词, 用于比较
count = 0
word = None
current_count = 0  #每个单词最终的数量

for line in sys.stdin: #切分成行
    line = line.strip()
    word, count = line.split('\t', 1) #key为第一个\t前的值, 只截断一次
        count = int(count)
    except ValueError:  # count如果不是数字的话,直接忽略掉
    if current_word == word: #上一个是否和当前的相同
        current_count += count
        if current_word:#不相同且不是第一个就输出
            print("%s\t%s" % (current_word, current_count))
        current_count = count
        current_word = word

if word == current_word:  # 不要忘记最后的输出

[hadoop@master0 hadoop]$ bin/hadoop jar\
share/hadoop/tools/lib/****.jar \
-file mapper.py -mapper "python mapper.py" \
-file reducer.py -reducer "python reducer.py" \
-input /user/hadoop/input -output /user/hadoop/input

[hadoop@master0 hadoop]$ hadoop fs -cat input/part-00000
经验 | Hadoop 生态圈 python+mapreduce+wordcount

(API),	62
(C++,	62
(FUSE)	62
(HDFS)	62
(HDFS).	63
(JAR)	63
(JRE)	63
(RPC)	62
(SPoF),	62
(a,b,c)	62
(a,b,c),	62
(but	62
(either	63
(more	63
(ssh)	63
(the	62
(typically	62
(webapp)	62
(x,y,z)	62
(x,y,z).	62
1.6	63
2.0	62
2012,[66]	62
3,	62
3rd-party	62
A	369
API	124
ARchive	63
An	62
Append.	62
B	124
Because	62
C#,	62
Clients	62
Cocoa,	62
Common	126
Data	62
DataNode	126
DataNode.	63
Distributed	63
Each	62
Environment	63
Erlang,	62
Failure	62
Federation,	62
File	182
Filesystem	62
For	119
HDFS	732
HDFS,	62
HDFS.	62
HTTP,	62
Hadoop	986
Hadoop-compatible	63
Hadoop.	63
Haskell,	62
I/O	62
In	121
It	62
Java	312
Java,	62
Job	63
JobTracker	63
Linux	62
MapReduce	126
MapReduce/MR1	63
May	62
Moreover,	62
NameNode	126
NameNode)	62
NameNode,	189
OCaml),	62
OS	63
PHP,	62
POSIX-compliant	62
POSIX-compliant,	62
Perl,	62
Point	62
Python,	62
RAID	124
Ruby,	62
Runtime	63
Secure	63
Shell	63
Similarly,	63
Single	62
Smalltalk,	62
Some	62
System	63
Task	63
TaskTracker,	63
The	552
These	125
This	187
Thrift	62
Tracker,	126
Unix	62
Userspace	62
Web	62
When	125
With	62
YARN/MR2)[58]	63
a	1994
abstractions,	63
access	62
achieved	62
achieves	62
across	250
actions,	62
acts	63
added	62
addition,	62
advantage	124
aims	62
allowing	62
also	62
alternate	63
although	62
always	62
amount	62
an	187
and	1747
and,	63
announced	62
application	124
application.	62
applications	63
applications.	63
approach	63
architecture	63
are	437
around,	62
as	249
automatic	62
available	62
available.	125
awareness	124
awareness:	63
backbone	63
backup	62
backup.	62
be	497
because	62
become	62
been	62
between	187
block	62
blocks	62
both	63
bottleneck	124
browsed	62
builds	62
but	62
by	249
call	62
can	561
capabilities,	62
certain	62
checkpointed	62
choosing	62
client	124
cluster	376
cluster,	63
code	63
command-line	62
commands	62
communicate	62
communication.	62
compliance	62
compute-only	63
concurrent	62
configurations	62
connects	62
consider	62
consists	126
contains	187
copies	62
corruption	63
create	62
criticality.	62
data	934
data,	62
data-intensive	62
data-only	63
data.	63
datanode	62
datanodes,	62
dedicated	63
default	62
demonstrated	62
designed	62
developing	62
differ	62
different	62
directly	62
directories.	62
directory	124
distributed	124
distributed,	62
does	124
due	124
each	124
edit	62
effective	63
engine	63
entire	62
equivalents.	63
especially	62
every	63
example:	62
execute	63
extent	62
fact,	62
fail	62
fail-over.	62
failed	62
failing	63
failure;	63
failures	63
file	810
file-system	249
file-system-specific	63
files	125
files,	62
files.	62
files[65]	62
for	869
framework.	62
from	62
fully	124
generate	125
gigabytes	62
goals	62
goes	124
hardware	63
has	186
have	125
having	124
hence	62
high-availability	62
high.	62
higher.	63
host	63
hosts	62
hosts,	62
huge	124
if	125
images	62
immutable	62
impact	125
in	560
inability	62
includes	125
incorrectly	62
increase	62
increased	62
index,	63
information	63
information,	62
instead	62
interface	62
interface,	62
interpret	62
is	622
is,	63
is.	63
issue,	62
issues	62
it	187
its	124
job	249
job-completion	62
jobs	62
jobs.	62
journal	62
keep	62
lack	62
language	62
large	124
larger	63
letting	62
level	63
libraries.A	6
libraries.File	6
libraries.For	6
libraries.HDFS	15
libraries.Hadoop	16
libraries.In	4
libraries.The	9
local	62
location	63
location.	62
log	62
loss	63
machines.	62
main	62
manage	63
managed	63
management	62
manually	62
map	186
master	126
may	62
memory	63
metadata	124
metadata,	62
method	63
methods	62
might	62
misleading	62
mostly	62
mounted	62
mounted,[62]	62
move	62
multi-node	63
multiple	312
name	125
namely,	62
namenode	496
namenode's	125
namenode,	62
namenodes.	62
namespaces	62
native	62
necessary	63
needed	63
network	249
new	62
node	500
nodes	251
nodes.	189
nodes:	62
nominally	62
non-POSIX	62
nonstandard	63
normally	63
not	310
number	124
occurs,	63
of	1622
offline.	62
on	622
one	125
only	63
operations	62
options	62
or	562
other	248
other.	62
outage	63
over	248
package	63
package,	63
perform	124
performance	124
plus	62
point	62
portable	62
possible	63
power	63
precisely,	63
preventing	63
prevents	62
primary	248
problem	62
problem,	62
procedure	62
programming	62
project	62
protocol	62
provide	125
provides	63
rack	126
rack,	62
rack.	62
rack/switch	63
racks.	63
range	62
rebalance	62
reduce	249
reduces	125
redundancy	125
regularly	62
release	62
reliability	62
remain	63
remote	124
replaced	63
replay	62
replicating	125
replication	124
request.	62
require	125
requirements	62
requires	63
requiring	62
restart	62
running	62
same	125
saves	62
scalability	62
scalable,	62
scheduled	62
schedules	124
scheduling	126
scripts	126
secondary	250
separate	62
served	62
server	188
serves	62
set	63
shell	62
should	63
shutdown	63